Monday 27 December 2010


This is my schedule, I need to try and stick to this in order to ensure everything is completed in the time that has been allocated to me. A schedule is a vital document to create when designing and producing an advertsing campaign as it keeps you on track with the tasks you should have completed.In my schedule it takes me through certain tasks and documents that need completing starting from what should be completed since the 20th of December to what needs completing by the 7th orf March.


Monday 20 December 2010

Unit 5- Contingencies

As part of my pre production planning, I conducted some research into possible problems that could occur in the production stages of my campaign. I filled out a table explaing some examples of the things that could go wrong and what contingencies I would put in place to rectify them. This is beneficial to me, as it allows me to ensure that I am prepared for anything that could go wrong, and nothing will suprise me and put me at a stand still if something crops up that could stop the whole process of my production stage.