Wednesday 26 January 2011


This document I will hand to my models in order to fullfill the legislation that is put in place to protect them. It gives a detailed overview of the terms and conditions on the second page, and on the first it gives a brief over view of what date the model is required and what they will be doing, underneath this is a section where the model writes her infomration such as adress, telephone number and signs the contract to declare that she agrees to it.

Tuesday 25 January 2011


 This is the photoshoot plan for my internal photoshoot that is taking place in the studio. This document, explains each step of the photoshoot, including what colour backdrop I am using, The positioning of my lighting equipment, what tyoe of lighting I am using aswell as a detailed overview of what I my overall photograph should consist of.


This is a pre planning document that outlines each step of my first "You may feel like your in a Wonderland" photoshoot. It includes dates, times, what the photo cosists of, what I need to bring to the shoot, what the model is physically doing, aswell as hair, make-up and costume needs.

Monday 24 January 2011

This is another call sheet that I have created that details the time and date of the photoshoot.Along with details of what I require my model to do in the photoshoot.


This is the call sheet that I will make sure that my model recieves before she is required at my photoshoot. It gives a detailed analysis of what is asked of her, in terms of what she needs to bring, where to meet me and what she will physically be doing in the photoshoot. This is a vital and proffesional document, that will ensure everything runs smoothly in regards to my external Alice in wonderland shoot.